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Code of Conduct

EFFECTIVE DATE: June 20, 2023

The Tutorio Code of Conduct sets forth our high standards for students and tutors on the Tutorio platform, outlining our expectations and policies regarding their behavior and interactions.

Academic Honesty and Integrity


At Tutorio, we understand the challenges students face in their academic journey. We recognize the pressures they experience and aim to provide a supportive environment where students can connect with tutors one-on-one to build confidence, self-esteem, and mastery to overcome these challenges.

Tutorio maintains a strict policy against academic dishonesty or misconduct. It is strictly prohibited to engage in any form of cheating or academic dishonesty on the Tutorio platform. Students are not allowed to request tutors to:

  • Assist with or complete tests, quizzes, exams, practice tests, practice quizzes, practice exams, graded or timed assignments, or any other form of assessment (including pre- and post-tests and assessment mechanisms).
  • Complete assignments or provide answers directly.
  • Make direct edits to their work or write code on their behalf.
  • Provide sources for papers or written assignments.
  • Summarize reading assignments for the purpose of completing follow-up assignments or questions.
Tutors within the Tutorio community can provide assistance in the
  • Enhancing students' understanding of academic concepts and materials covered in class.
  • Reviewing class notes and completed work to deepen comprehension.
  • Supporting the completion of non-graded and non-timed assignments.
  • Reviewing previously graded tests, quizzes, exams, assignments, or other forms of assessment.
  • Helping students translate their understanding of concepts into outlines for written assignments.
  • Providing feedback on writing.
  • Guiding students in finding credible and authoritative sources of information.
Effective tutoring does not involve directly providing or confirming answers to assignments or assessments. At Tutorio, we encourage tutors to employ instructional best practices and guide students through independent problem-solving. Our aim is to foster comprehension and confidence in students, rather than complete their work for them. Tutors in our community utilize questioning strategies to engage students in the learning process.
Our Customer Experience team regularly monitors and reviews completed tutoring sessions and messages exchanged through the Tutorio platform to ensure a safe environment for students and tutors to connect and learn. In the event of any violation of these guidelines, we reserve the right to suspend a user's access to the platform.
Academic Grades Tutorio does not guarantee specific grades on tests or assignments as a result of tutoring sessions on the platform. While our tutors are dedicated to supporting student success and improvement, they cannot guarantee the grades students will receive based on their collaboration.

Behavioral Expectations

Student Guidelines

Ensuring a safe and respectful environment for students to learn and thrive is our top priority at Tutorio. We expect all students and tutors on our platform to treat one another, as well as Tutorio staff, with respect. This includes refraining from using profanity, foul language, insults, slurs, threats, negative comments, and engaging in discriminatory language or behavior.

The following behaviors are considered unacceptable:

  • Fraudulent misuse of the "Report a tutor" feature.
  • Misuse of Tutorio's chat support, such as sending spam messages or using inappropriate language.
  • Engaging in inappropriate behavior during a tutoring session, such as sending spam messages, sharing irrelevant images, or using inappropriate language.
  • Using the Lesson Space's audio, video, or screen-share features for purposes not aligned with a classroom setting.

Student FAQs

What are the consequences of violating the behavior expectations?

Any violation of this code of conduct may result in consequences, including permanent expulsion from the platform. Our CX team carefully assesses reported incidents and reviews session recordings, ratings, and reviews to investigate potential misconduct. We follow a tiered approach to handling Code of Conduct violations, and our Violation Handling Policy outlines this process.

When should I utilize the 'Report a tutor' feature?

The 'Report a Tutor" feature should be used to report any tutor who violates the Tutorio Code of Conduct. It should not be used to report tutors for failing to respond to direct messages sent outside of a tutoring session on the Tutorio platform.

utor Guidelines Tutors are expected to maintain professionalism while using the Tutorio platform. This includes their interactions with students and Tutorio staff.

The following behaviors are deemed unacceptable:

  • Abruptly leaving an ongoing tutoring session without notifying the student.
  • Communicating directly with a student about a low rating received.
  • Engaging in any behavior during a tutoring session that hinders our goal of building student confidence and mastery (e.g., displaying frustration towards a struggling student or showing disengagement).

Tutor FAQs

What should I do if I need to leave a session or encounter technical difficulties?

If you have limited time for a session, it is essential to inform the student before the session starts. In the event of an unexpected need to leave a session, please notify the student directly through the chat, audio, or video features. If technical difficulties prevent you from informing the student, send a direct message as soon as the issues are resolved. Explain the situation to the student and, if possible, attempt to start a new session.

I received a low rating but didn't understand the reason. What should I do?

Please refrain from contacting students directly to inquire about the ratings they assigned you. Instead, reach out to the Tutorio CX team for clarification regarding the ratings. Consequences Tutorio takes violations of the Code of Conduct seriously and reserves the right to enforce appropriate consequences based on the severity of the violation. Consequences may include, but are not limited to:

  • Warning: A formal notice to the user, indicating a violation of the Code of Conduct has occurred.
  • Suspension: Temporary restriction of access to the Tutorio platform, typically for a specified period.
  • During this time, the user will be unable to engage in tutoring sessions or access their account.
  • Termination: permanent removal of a user's access to the Tutorio platform. This includes the inability to log in or utilize any features or services offered on the platform.

The determination of consequences is at the sole discretion of Tutorio, based on the nature and severity of the violation. Our priority is to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment for all users. Reporting Violations If you witness or experience a violation of the Code of Conduct by a student or tutor on the Tutorio platform, please report the incident immediately.

You can report violations by contacting our Customer Experience team through the platform's support channels or by sending an email to [email protected] Provide detailed information about the incident, including the usernames of the individuals involved, the date and time of occurrence, and any supporting evidence (such as chat logs or screenshots).

Confidentiality Tutorio respects user privacy and will handle all reported incidents with the utmost confidentiality. While we may need to gather additional information during the investigation, we will maintain strict confidentiality regarding the reporting party's identity unless legally obligated to disclose such information.

Modification of the Code of Conduct Tutorio reserves the right to modify or update the Code of Conduct as needed to ensure the safety and integrity of the platform. Users will be notified of any changes to the Code of Conduct, and it is their responsibility to review and comply with the updated version.

Conclusion The Tutorio Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for students and tutors on our platform, fostering a positive and constructive learning environment. By adhering to these principles, we can collectively create a space that encourages academic growth, respect, and integrity.